Home בלוג Fashion Long sleeve, seasonal constraint or a fashionable statement?

Long sleeve, seasonal constraint or a fashionable statement?

Winter is here and many brides are debating whether to get married in a slim tank top or maybe a long-sleeved dress … here’s what we think of long-sleeved dresses. Long sleeve gives the dress an elegant and noble look, a-la Kate Middleton, so what if we are in the Middle East ☂️ You can add a sleeve and thus enjoy both options, when the whole sleeve is made of a competitor it is like going with and feeling without ☂️ Choosing a long sleeve dress is a fashionable statement and not a seasonal constraint, be who you are and choose what you like ☂️ A quiet or conservative dress, sexy in a hint or romantic, the latest collections on the fashion runways prove time and time again, season after season that a long-sleeved wedding dress can be as special and impressive as her sister reveals the skin and shoulders.

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